Want to sell Chanel jewelry quickly?
You can email us with your item info and pictures at or text us at 213-629-3661
Ben Dannie is one of the leading online buyers of designer jewelry. Our main buying location is in Los Angeles.We offer a fast, easy and safe way to sell your Chanel jewelry online or via appointment. We have been A+ Rated with BBB and been in business since the 1970's
We have over 3,000 high end international retail customer list we sell to enabling us to pay higher than other buyers, we also work on a very small percentage in order to turn over volume .
We offer a straight buying of your items or we can also take your items on consignment to possibly get you an even higher price.
Items that are particularly wanted at the moment by us are the following collections Camélia Rings,Camelia Bracelets, Camelia Earrings, Coco Crush Rings, Coco Crush Bracelets, Ultra Rings , Comète Rings, Comete Bracelets , Comete Earrings , Sous le Signe du Lion, Plume de Chanel ,Ruban , Baroque , Gallery Collection